Root Canal Therapy
f a nerve is exposed from a broken tooth, if decay has reached deep into the tooth, or if there’s trauma to the nerve, root canal therapy may be necessary. A root canal removes the nerve of the tooth to eliminate pain and prevent further damage. Toothaches are often described as being more painful than childbirth, so when you come to us with such severe discomfort, our priority as your emergency dentist near Port St. Lucie is to quickly assess whether a root canal is required and begin treatment promptly.
The process starts with numbing the affected tooth and placing a protective rubber dam to safeguard your gums from the cleaning agents used during the procedure. A small hole is drilled into the tooth to allow access to the nerve. Once the nerve is reached, the dentist will carefully remove it, using small dental files to clean out the nerve canal thoroughly. Several x-rays may be needed throughout the procedure to ensure all of the nerve is removed.
After the nerve canal is cleaned and shaped, a cleaning agent is used to flush out any remaining debris. Once the canal is fully dried, the dentist will replace the nerve with gutta-percha, a rubber-like material that fits into the canal to maintain its shape. The material is then warmed up to fill the canal completely, and any excess is removed. Most teeth that undergo root canal therapy will need to be covered with a dental crown since the tooth becomes more brittle after treatment. A crown helps protect the tooth from breaking in the future. However, it’s important to note that even a tooth that has had a root canal and crown can still develop cavities, so diligent brushing and flossing are critical to maintaining your oral health.
(772) 301-0010